How Do You Know If You Have Dry Socket?

Tooth extractions in Middletown are common dental procedures. Most of the time, they are uneventful - the extraction site heals properly and the person can quickly return to their regular habits. 

However, there are some instances where some patients develop a painful condition called dry socket. What is it and how can you tell if you have it? 

Keep reading to learn more. 

What Is a Dry Socket? 

After a tooth is removed, a blood clot forms around the extraction site. This is your body's way of protecting that area. The blood clot works as a protective layer that helps the exposed bone and nerve heal. It also provides the foundation for the growth of new bone and the development of soft tissue over the clot

A dry socket, also known as alveolar osteitis, is a painful dental condition that can occur after tooth extraction. It happens when the blood clot that naturally forms in the socket after extraction is dislodged, exposing the underlying bone and nerves. 

How to Tell If You Have Dry Socket: Signs and Symptoms 

A dry socket usually leads to: 

  • Intense Pain: While some pain and discomfort are normal after a tooth extraction, if you experience a sudden spike in pain a few days after the procedure, it could be a sign of a dry socket. The pain often starts in the area where the tooth was extracted and can radiate to your ear, eye, or neck on the same side of your face.
  • Visible Bone: If the blood clot that forms after extraction gets dislodged, it can expose the underlying bone. If you look into your mouth and can see the bone where your tooth used to be, it may be a sign of a dry socket.
  • "Dry" Looking Socket: After extraction, the tooth socket should be filled with a blood clot. This clot looks a bit like a dark blood bubble. If you can see an empty, dry-looking hole, it may indicate a dry socket.
  • Foul Taste and Bad Breath: Dry socket can often cause an unpleasant taste in your mouth and bad breath, despite regular brushing and oral hygiene practices.

How Is a Dry Socket Treated? 

If you notice any of these signs, it's paramount that you call Dr. Danielle Indelicato right away and tell her about your symptoms. A dry socket is a dental emergency and Dr. Danielle Indelicato will make sure to book a same-day appointment for you to provide the treatment you need. Waiting for too long can increase the risks of infection so acting promptly is crucial. 

Treatment usually involves cleaning the wound and placing a medicated dressing to promote healing, as well as possibly prescribing antibiotics if an infection is present. 

Do You Need Dental Care in Middletown, NJ? 

Whether it's a tooth extraction, preventive care, a dental crown, or cosmetic dentistry, we here at Paragon Dental offer a wide range of dental services. 

Call (732) 630-0021, tell us about your problem, and we will schedule the right appointment for you. 

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